Sunday, November 22, 2020

My future job

Hi everyone, this week I am gonna tell you about how I imagine my future job- Well I got to say that I did not think this too much because I have another kind of plans to my future. I do not have plans that includes living in Chile because I do not really like here, based on my economic situation I always watched the worst face of this country and I do not see myself living in here in ten years. So for this reasons that I said before my plans are all about making money and save it for a new fresh start in another country. To complete my pourpourse I have thought in work in something related to my career and that could give me enough money start a decent life in somewhere that I like. Then when I can complete my dream I would renovate my studies in the country that I will choose, maybe get a major or something like that and then start thinking about what kind of job do I want, if it is related to my career I would say that I want to work in some laboratory or something like that because work in a pharmacy or work in a industry do not seem pretty funny for my, but if there is not another job I wont complain about it, after all a job is a job and while I can live of it I would be happy.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you can fulfill your dream and develop professionally in another country.


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