Sunday, November 29, 2020

Economy problems during quarantine

Hi everyone this week I am gonna talk about a social problem that everyone knows and it is the different economy status of the population in Chile. As we all knows, Chile it is divided in three diferent socioecomomic levels, the poor and the medium socioeconomic class occupy the most of the population and the rich people are more like a minory. This division between this three type of citizens is huge and in this times of quarantine it is impossible to not see it. Lets begin with how this virus came to Chile in the first place, it arrive with a person that was on vacations in another country, a person of well socioeconomyc status, and how it propagated in Chile? it was spread by a person with the same socioeconomyc status that traveled all the country in a plane only for a wedding and he said that he did it because it was like a necessity. With this first fact puts in the table I want to talk about what kind of problems we have in quarantine. The poor people in Chile are living an inferno, even worst that how their lifes was before, thinking about the people who had to live in the streets and barely have food for eat, how much help is this people recieving in this quarantine? and not only in quarantine because even before this they were having the same problems in getting first necessity services. Lets see the problems of the medium population, some of us could afford for a computer or something to do work or studies in home, but not everyone has the money for it. And here is where I would do an emphasis, the problems of the rich people in quarantine, this kind of people with most of the money in the country have the most irrelevant problems, they complain about how they can not go into a vacations, they complain about malls closed, they complain about how they would not go to their expensives partys. My point is this, the problems of the poor people in Chile are huge comparated to the problems of the rich people, even separate the population in three segments clarify that we have a problem that should be solucionated. The division of the wealth in this country and all of Latin America is a several problems, the rich people governs the poor people and that is the power of money.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

My future job

Hi everyone, this week I am gonna tell you about how I imagine my future job- Well I got to say that I did not think this too much because I have another kind of plans to my future. I do not have plans that includes living in Chile because I do not really like here, based on my economic situation I always watched the worst face of this country and I do not see myself living in here in ten years. So for this reasons that I said before my plans are all about making money and save it for a new fresh start in another country. To complete my pourpourse I have thought in work in something related to my career and that could give me enough money start a decent life in somewhere that I like. Then when I can complete my dream I would renovate my studies in the country that I will choose, maybe get a major or something like that and then start thinking about what kind of job do I want, if it is related to my career I would say that I want to work in some laboratory or something like that because work in a pharmacy or work in a industry do not seem pretty funny for my, but if there is not another job I wont complain about it, after all a job is a job and while I can live of it I would be happy.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

My best companion

Hi everyone, this week we have a free theme blog and evertime i have to talk about something random in my life the first thought that came to my mind is my dog. Well in first place her name is Alaska, she is not white like the snow or anything like that but when I see her for the first time that name was the first thing that I thought, so since that day we call her Alaska. She came to my life like 3 years ago in summer, she was pretty young with 3 months old so she was literally a puppy, the first one or two years she was a mess, she liked to bite our hands, not with the purpose of hurting us or anything like that but she do it ayways. Also she was a lot like a tornado because she liked to destroy anything that we have on our backyard, she doesn't liked our plants, plastic bottles or whatever you put in front of her. Anyways, at the time she doesn't do any of this things, because she is not a puppy anymore and we teached her a lot of things about good behavior. She is a very lovely dog, everytime that I am sad or upset I see her and every bad feeling goes away, that's the reason because I love her so much and the reason because I'm writting this right now and not anything else.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

My future profession

Hi everybody in this week blog i am gonna talk about my future profession. How can i start? well in the first place the career that i am studying right now is Chemistry and Pharmacy, it is a very interesting career if you like the exact and natural sciences, the principal theme is the Chemistry but it includes all the sciences. One of the benefits in my opinion is that you can get a new perspective of the world and the things in it because you can learn how they are happening around you. If you ask me for others benefits I am gonna say that the possibility of getting work in the first year that you complete the career is huge, arround the ninety eight percent of chance, and the minimun salary that you can aspire in an pharmacy, for example, is above the 1,300 dollars. But not all is about money because if you want to study some career no matter wich you have to like the career and find yourself in it, if you do not have the inspiration for one and even so you stuty it you are gonna waste 5 years at minimun of your life being someone that you never wanted. I choose this career because I always recongnized myself like a man of science, I also wanted to study medicine but in here in Chile it is pretty hard so the next life maybe i will try hard.

Economy problems during quarantine

Hi everyone this week I am gonna talk about a social problem that everyone knows and it is the different economy status of the population in...